How to Start a Hot Tub: A Comprehensive Guide

Have you recently acquired a hot tub or are you considering adding this luxurious relaxation spot to your backyard? Nothing beats sinking into warm, bubbling water, relieving your stress, and unwinding as the jets gently massage your muscles. The journey to hot tub bliss begins right from the moment you start it up.

In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through the step-by-step process of how to start a hot tub, ensuring that you not only have a perfectly functioning oasis but also maintain a healthy and clean environment for an exceptional soaking experience.

So, whether you are a hot tub owner looking for expert advice or someone considering venturing into the hot tub business, this blog post has got you covered. Let’s dive in and explore the complete process of starting a hot tub, including important details on using bromine as a sanitizer, the right chemicals to use, and helpful tips for first-time hot tub owners.

Preparing Your Hot Tub

Before we jump into the process of starting a hot tub, it’s important to understand the different ways to start and maintain one, as well as the chemicals involved. Additionally, we’ll discuss the benefits of using bromine, a widely-used sanitizer in hot tubs, and guide you in choosing the right chemicals for your hot tub.

Understanding the different ways to start a hot tub

When it comes to starting a hot tub, there are a few different methods you can follow. The most common approaches include using either bromine or chlorine as your primary sanitizer. Both have their advantages, but we’ll focus on bromine for this guide.

Exploring the benefits of using bromine as a sanitizer

Bromine is a popular choice for hot tub owners due to its effectiveness in killing bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants in the water. Unlike chlorine, bromine remains stable at higher temperatures, making it ideal for hot tubs. It also has a lower odor and is less likely to cause skin and eye irritation compared to chlorine.To explore more details and considerations regarding Bromine, our comprehensive guide on How to Use Bromine in a Hot Tub: A Complete Guide has you covered.

Choosing the right chemicals for your hot tub

In addition to bromine, there are other chemicals you’ll need to maintain a healthy hot tub. These include pH increasers and decreasers, alkalinity enhancers, and shock oxidizers. Each chemical plays a crucial role in balancing the water chemistry, promoting your safety and comfort while enjoying your hot tub.

Now that we understand the importance of bromine and other chemicals, let’s dive into the step-by-step guide on how to start a hot tub.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Start a Hot Tub

Starting a hot tub may seem like a daunting task, but with the right knowledge and approach, it can be a straightforward process. Here, we’ll break down the steps involved in starting a hot tub from scratch, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for you and your loved ones.

Draining and cleaning your hot tub

Draining and cleaning your hot tub

Before you can start your hot tub, it’s crucial to drain and clean it thoroughly. This step removes any debris, sediment, or bacteria that may have accumulated over time. Here’s how you can go about it:

  1. Switch off the power: Begin by turning off the power to your hot tub at the circuit breaker. Safety first!
  2. Drain the water: Connect a hose to the drain valve and direct it to an appropriate drainage area. Open the valve and let all the water drain out completely.
  3. Clean the tub: Once the tub is empty, use a non-abrasive cleaner and a soft cloth or sponge to clean the surfaces. Don’t forget to clean the filters as well.
  4. Rinse thoroughly: After cleaning, rinse the hot tub with clean water, ensuring no traces of cleaner or residue are left behind.

To explore more details and considerations regarding Draining your hot tube, our comprehensive guide on How to Drain Last Bit of Water from Your Pool? has you covered.

Filling your hot tub with water

With the hot tub cleaned and ready, it’s time to fill it up with fresh water. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Check your water source: Ensure that the water you’re using to fill your hot tub meets the necessary quality standards. If you have concerns about the quality of your tap water, consider using filtered water or a water softener.
  2. Fill the tub: Connect a hose to the water source and carefully fill the hot tub, keeping an eye on the water level to avoid overfilling. Be patient as this may take some time.

Balancing the pH and alkalinity levels

Maintaining the right pH and alkalinity levels is crucial for the overall health of your hot tub and your own comfort. Here’s how you can achieve the perfect balance:

  1. Test the water: Use a reliable testing kit to measure the pH and alkalinity levels of your hot tub water. The ideal pH range is typically between 7.2 and 7.8, while the alkalinity levels should be between 80 and 120 ppm (parts per million).
  2. Adjust pH if needed: If the pH level is too high, you can lower it by adding a pH decreaser. Conversely, if the pH level is too low, use a pH increaser. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the recommended dosage.
  3. Balance alkalinity: If the alkalinity levels are not within the recommended range, adjust them using an alkalinity increaser or decreaser, again following the instructions provided.
  4. Retest and repeat if necessary: After making the adjustments, retest the water to ensure the pH and alkalinity levels are now within the desired range. If needed, make further adjustments until the targets are achieved.

Adding bromine or other sanitizers

Now that your hot tub is filled with properly balanced water, it’s time to add the necessary sanitizing agent, such as bromine, to keep the water clean and safe. Follow these steps:

  1. Test the bromine levels: Using a test strip or kit, measure the bromine levels in your hot tub water. The recommended range is typically between 2 and 4 ppm.
  2. Add bromine tablets or granules: Based on the test results, add the appropriate amount of bromine tablets or granules as per the manufacturer’s guidelines. Be careful not to overdose, as it can lead to skin and eye irritation.
  3. Activate the bromine: To activate the bromine and distribute it evenly throughout the hot tub, run the jets for a few minutes. This will ensure the sanitizer reaches all corners of the tub and starts purifying the water.

Activating the jets and adjusting temperature

Activating the jets and adjusting temperature

With the necessary chemicals in place, it’s time to activate the jets and set the desired temperature. Follow these steps:

  1. Turn on the power: Switch on the power to your hot tub at the circuit breaker.
  2. Activate the jets: Start the jets and allow them to run for a few minutes to ensure any trapped air in the plumbing system is released. This will prevent airlocks that can hinder proper water flow.
  3. Adjust the temperature: Set the desired temperature using the hot tub’s control panel. Most hot tubs allow temperature adjustments within the range of 100°F to 104°F, but follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your specific model.

Congratulations! Your hot tub is now ready for you to enjoy a relaxing soak. However, if you’re starting a hot tub for the first time, there are a few additional tips you should keep in mind.

Tips for Starting a Hot Tub for the First Time

Starting a hot tub for the first time requires extra care to ensure everything is set up correctly. Here are some helpful tips to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience:

Ensuring proper filtration and circulation

To maintain clean and clear water, it’s essential to have proper filtration and circulation in your hot tub. Follow these tips:

  • Check and clean the filters regularly according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.
  • Run the circulation pump for a few hours each day to ensure water is constantly moving and being filtered.
  • Consider investing in a quality filter cleaner or replacement filters to maintain optimal filtration efficiency.

Monitoring water chemistry regularly

Even after successfully starting your hot tub for the first time, it’s important to maintain proper water chemistry. Here’s how you can stay on top of it:

  • Test the water regularly using a reliable testing kit, especially for pH, alkalinity, bromine levels, and any other parameters recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Make necessary adjustments to the water chemistry whenever you observe imbalances.
  • Keep a record of your test results to monitor trends and identify any issues that may arise.

Maintaining the right water level

Water level plays a crucial role in the overall performance and efficiency of your hot tub. Follow these tips for maintaining the right water level:

  • Regularly check the water level and ensure it is within the recommended range indicated by the manufacturer.
  • Adjust the water level by adding or removing water as needed.
  • Be mindful of evaporation, especially during hot and dry weather, and replenish the water accordingly.

By following these tips, you’ll be well prepared to maintain your hot tub and enjoy it to the fullest.

Starting a Hot Tub Business: What You Need to Know

Are you passionate about hot tubs and considering starting a hot tub business? Before diving in, it’s crucial to understand what it takes to succeed in this industry. Here are some key points to consider:

Researching the market and competition

Before starting a hot tub business, invest time in researching the market and understanding the competition:

  • Identify your target audience and their specific hot tub requirements.
  • Analyze the existing hot tub businesses in your area and study their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Differentiate your business by offering unique services, such as specialized maintenance packages or customized hot tub designs.

Understanding legal requirements and permits

Ensure your hot tub business operates within legal boundaries and obtains the necessary permits:

  • Research and comply with local, state, and federal regulations, including zoning, licensing, and safety requirements.
  • Obtain liability insurance to protect yourself and your customers.
  • Consult with legal professionals or business advisors to ensure compliance with all legal obligations.

Setting up a marketing and pricing strategy

To attract customers and stand out from the competition, create a comprehensive marketing and pricing strategy:

  • Build a professional website that showcases your services and attracts potential customers.
  • Leverage social media platforms to promote your business and engage with your target audience.
  • Offer competitive pricing with attractive packages, discounts, or incentives to attract new customers.

Starting a hot tub business requires dedication, careful planning, and a customer-centric approach. With the right strategies in place, you can turn your passion for hot tubs into a thriving venture.


Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to start a hot tub from scratch, using the right chemicals, and maintaining a healthy water balance. By following the step-by-step guide, you can ensure a safe and blissful experience every time you soak in your hot tub.

Remember to regularly clean your hot tub, monitor and adjust water chemistry, and conduct routine maintenance to keep your hot tub running smoothly. And if you’re considering starting a hot tub business, equip yourself with in-depth knowledge, comply with legal requirements, and develop a strong marketing strategy to thrive in the industry.

Whether you’re a hot tub owner or aspiring entrepreneur, starting a hot tub can be an exciting and rewarding process. Relax, rejuvenate, and enjoy the ultimate relaxation that a hot tub brings!

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