How To Remove Sand From Hot Tub | Tips for Clean and Refreshing Soak

Are you tired of finding sand in your hot tub? Nothing ruins a relaxing soak quite like the gritty feeling of sand between your toes. Whether it’s from a sandy beach visit or natural buildup over time, sand in your hot tub can be a real nuisance. But fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through step-by-step on how to remove sand from hot tub, so you can enjoy a clean and refreshing soak every time. We will also cover tips on removing dirt and other debris that may accumulate in your hot tub. Let’s dive in and reclaim the pristine state of your hot tub!

Understanding the Impact of Sand in Your Hot Tub

Before we move on to the removal process, it’s essential to understand why sand in your hot tub can cause problems. The presence of sand can lead to clogged filters, decreased water circulation, and even damage to your hot tub’s equipment. Regular maintenance and removal of sand are crucial to ensure optimal performance and extend the lifespan of your hot tub.

Necessary Tools and Materials

To effectively remove sand from your hot tub, you’ll need a few tools and materials. Collect these items before proceeding:

Draining the Hot Tub

To begin the sand removal process, the first step is to drain the hot tub completely. Follow these steps:

  1. Turn off the power to your hot tub and locate the drain valve.
  2. Attach a hose to the drain valve and direct it to a suitable drainage area.
  3. Open the drain valve and allow all the water to flow out of the hot tub. Ensure the drain valve is securely closed once empty.

To explore more details and considerations regarding Draing your pools, our comprehensive guide on How to Drain Last Bit of Water from You’re Pool has you covered.

Cleaning and Rinsing the Hot Tub Shell

Cleaning and Rinsing the Hot Tub Shell

Once the hot tub is drained, you can focus on cleaning and rinsing the shell to remove any remaining sand. Follow these steps:

  1. Wet the soft-bristle brush and gently scrub the shell’s surface, paying extra attention to areas where sand tends to accumulate.
  2. Rinse the shell thoroughly with clean water using a hose. Ensure every nook and cranny is free from sand particles.
  3. Use a vacuum with a filter bag to remove any loose sand that might still be present on the bottom of the hot tub.

Removing Sand from the Hot Tub Filter

The hot tub filter plays a vital role in keeping the water clean and free from debris. However, sand can clog the filter, affecting its efficiency. Here’s how to remove sand from the hot tub filter:

  1. Access the filter compartment, usually located near the hot tub’s equipment.
  2. Remove the filter cartridge or grid, depending on the type of filter your hot tub has.
  3. Rinse the filter element with clean water, ensuring all sand particles are dislodged.
  4. If the sand buildup is stubborn, soak the filter element in a solution of filter cleaning solution and water as per the manufacturer’s instructions.
  5. Rinse the filter thoroughly with clean water again to remove any remaining cleaning solution or loosened sand particles.
  6. Allow the filter to dry completely before reinstalling it into the hot tub.

Flushing the Hot Tub Plumbing

To ensure the complete removal of sand from your hot tub, it is essential to flush the plumbing system. Sand can accumulate within the pipes, leading to continued deposits in your hot tub. Follow these steps to flush the hot tub plumbing:

  1. Refer to your hot tub’s user manual to locate the plumbing access points.
  2. Disconnect the hoses that connect the hot tub to the plumbing system.
  3. Fasten a hose with a nozzle attachment to one of the access points.
  4. Turn on the hose and let the water run through the plumbing system, flushing out any trapped sand or debris.
  5. Repeat this process for each available access point, ensuring all pipes are thoroughly flushed.
  6. Reconnect the hoses to their respective access points after flushing.

Refilling and Balancing Your Hot Tub Water

After successfully removing sand from your hot tub and flushing the plumbing, it’s time to refill the hot tub with clean water. Here’s how to do it:but wait a minute, did you know How Much Water Does A Hot Tub Hold? A Comprehensive Guide is waiting for you

  1. Close all drain valves and ensure all access points are reconnected.
  2. Fill the hot tub with fresh water using a hose. Avoid using water from a well or with high mineral content, as it may lead to further buildup.
  3. Test the water’s chemical balance using a water testing kit, making adjustments as necessary to maintain proper pH, alkalinity, and sanitizer levels.
  4. Allow the hot tub’s water to circulate for a few hours before testing it again and making any additional adjustments.

Preventing Sand Buildup in the Future

Now that your hot tub is clean from sand, you’ll want to take preventive measures to avoid future buildup. Follow these tips to keep your hot tub free from sand:

  1. Encourage hot tub users to rinse off thoroughly before entering the tub to remove any sand or debris from their bodies.
  2. Place a foot rinse station near the hot tub to provide a convenient way for users to clean their feet before entering.
  3. Use a cover or lid when the hot tub is not in use to prevent sand and dirt from being blown into the water.
  4. Regularly clean and maintain your hot tub’s filter as per the manufacturer’s instructions.
  5. Consider using a pre-filter device that can remove sand and other particles from the water before it enters your hot tub.

Additional Tips and Tricks for Hot Tub Maintenance

In addition to preventing sand buildup, here are some extra tips and tricks for maintaining a clean and well-functioning hot tub:

  • Regularly test and adjust the water’s chemical balance to ensure it remains safe and comfortable for use.
  • Clean the hot tub cover or lid regularly to prevent dirt and debris from entering the water.
  • Use a skimmer net to remove any floating debris, leaves, or insects that may find their way into the hot tub.
  • Drain and refill your hot tub every three to four months to maintain optimal water quality.
  • Consider investing in a hot tub vacuum or automatic cleaner for effective and efficient debris removal.


Taking the time to remove sand from your hot tub is essential for maintaining its cleanliness and performance. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can restore your hot tub to a pristine state, allowing you to enjoy a relaxing and sand-free soak every time. Remember to regularly clean and maintain your hot tub to prevent future sand buildup and ensure its longevity. So go ahead, dive into the crystal-clear waters of your refreshed hot tub and let your worries wash away!

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