How Much Does It Cost Remove a Gunite Pool

Have you been thinking about removing your gunite pool? Whether it’s due to damage, lack of use, or simply a desire to repurpose the space, the cost of removing a gunite pool is an important consideration. In this post, we’ll explore the factors that influence the cost of pool removal, estimate the potential expenses involved, and highlight alternatives for those considering pool replacement. If you’re wondering, “how much does it cost to remove a gunite pool,” we’ve got you covered!

What Factors Influence the Cost of Removing a Gunite Pool?

Before diving into the cost estimation, it’s essential to understand what factors influence the overall price tag. The cost of removing a gunite pool can vary based on several key considerations:

  1. Size and Shape of the Pool: Larger pools generally require more labor and equipment, impacting the overall cost of removal. Additionally, irregularly shaped pools may have specialized requirements, potentially increasing expenses.
  2. Access and Location: Is the pool easily accessible for demolition equipment? Does your property have any specific challenges such as narrow pathways or limited parking? Difficulties related to access can impact the cost of removal.
  3. Type of Removal: The cost can vary depending on whether you opt for a full removal or a partial removal. If you choose a full removal, all the gunite and associated materials will be demolished and removed. Partial removal, on the other hand, involves breaking up the gunite and collapsing the shell before filling it. Full removal tends to be more expensive due to the increased labor and disposal costs.
  4. Equipment and Labor Required: The complexity of the removal process, including the use of heavy machinery, can affect the cost. Pool removal companies often consider the amount of time, equipment, and labor necessary to complete the job when providing an estimate.
  5. Permits and Disposal Fees: In some areas, permits are required for pool removal. These permits can come with associated fees, which should be factored into the overall cost. Additionally, disposal fees for the debris need to be considered, as they can contribute to the overall expenses.

It’s important to note that these factors are not exhaustive and may vary depending on your specific circumstances.To explore more details and considerations regardingHot Tube Moving, our comprehensive guide on How Much Does it Cost To Move a Hot Tub? has you covered.

The Process of Removing a Gunite Pool:

Now that we’ve touched on the factors that influence the cost, let’s walk through the general process of removing a gunite pool. By understanding these steps, you’ll have a clearer picture of the work involved and how it impacts the overall expense. Additionally, you might be wondering, “how much does it cost to remove a concrete pool.” We’ll cover that as well!

  1. Draining the Pool: The first step in removing a gunite pool is draining all the water. This can be done using various methods, such as pumping or siphoning. Professional pool removal companies have the necessary equipment and expertise to handle this task efficiently.
  2. Demolition and Excavation: Once the pool is drained, the demolition and excavation process can begin. Depending on the type of removal chosen (full or partial), heavy machinery like excavators and jackhammers may be used to break up the gunite and remove it. This step requires experienced professionals who can safely handle the equipment and ensure the thorough removal of the pool structure.
  3. Disposing of Debris: Proper disposal of the demolished pool materials is an important aspect of the removal process. Pool removal companies typically have arrangements with designated landfill sites or recycling facilities to manage the waste legally and responsibly. However, it’s essential to clarify with the removal company about their disposal practices and ensure they comply with local regulations.
  4. Filling the Void or Repurposing the Space: After the pool is completely removed and the debris is disposed of, you have the option to fill the void left by the pool or repurpose the space. Filling the void ensures stability and safety, and there are various materials you can choose from for this purpose. Alternatively, you might have plans to create a new outdoor living area, garden, or patio.

Considering the concrete pool deck in relation to gunite pool removal? Read on as we discuss the cost of removing concrete pool decks and how it impacts the overall expense.

Estimating Costs for Gunite Pool Removal:

To give you an idea of the potential costs involved in removing a gunite pool, we’ll break down the expenses typically associated with the process. Keep in mind that these are general estimates, and it’s crucial to consult with pool removal professionals to get accurate quotes tailored to your specific project. Additionally, the primary and related keyword “cost to remove concrete around pool” might also be on your mind. We’ll delve into that as we explore pool deck removal costs.

  1. Demolition and Excavation: On average, the cost of demolishing and excavating a gunite pool falls between $5,000 and $15,000. The price can vary based on the pool’s size, shape, and accessibility. Larger pools or those located in challenging areas may require additional equipment and manpower, resulting in higher costs.
  2. Hauling and Disposal: The cost of hauling and disposing of the pool debris typically ranges from $500 to $2,000. This includes transportation to designated sites, landfill fees, and any recycling costs. If there are specific regulations or restrictions in your area, make sure to account for additional expenses.
  3. Landscaping or Repurposing the Space: After the pool removal is complete, you’ll have the opportunity to fill the void or repurpose the area. The cost of filling the void with suitable materials can range from $1,000 to $5,000, depending on the size and depth of the pool. If you have plans for repurposing the space, such as installing a patio or creating a garden, these costs will vary based on your specific needs and preferences.
  4. Additional Expenses to Consider: While the above costs cover the primary aspects of pool removal, there might be additional expenses to consider, depending on your specific requirements. For example, if you have an intricate pool deck or landscaping around the pool, you might need additional services to remove concrete or restore the surrounding area. It’s important to discuss these details with the pool removal company during the estimation process.

Remember, these are estimated costs, and factors such as location, market rates, and other specifics can influence the final figure. Therefore, it is recommended to obtain quotes from reputable pool removal companies for accurate pricing.

Exploring Alternatives: Cost to Replace a Gunite Pool:

If you’re considering the removal of your gunite pool, it’s worth exploring the cost of pool replacement as an alternative. While removing a pool may be the right choice for some, others might prefer to replace their existing pool with a more updated design or different material. Let’s take a closer look at the costs associated with replacing a gunite pool.

  1. Factors Affecting the Cost of Replacement: Several factors influence the cost of replacing a gunite pool, such as the size, shape, and design complexity. Additionally, the choice of pool material, such as fiberglass, vinyl, or a new gunite pool, can impact the overall expense. It’s essential to consult with pool replacement professionals to assess the specific requirements of your desired pool design and obtain accurate cost estimates.
  2. Pros and Cons of Pool Replacement: Before making a decision, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of pool replacement. Some advantages of pool replacement include the ability to customize the design, potentially reducing maintenance efforts, and addressing any structural or safety concerns. However, pool replacement typically involves a significantly higher cost compared to removal. It’s crucial to evaluate your long-term goals, budget, and lifestyle preferences before deciding which option is best for you.

The Cost of Removing Concrete Pool Decks:

In addition to considering the cost of removing a gunite pool, it’s important to assess the expenses associated with removing the concrete pool deck. If you’re planning to remove your pool, it’s likely that you’ll also want to remove the existing deck to create a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing space. Let’s explore the costs involved in removing a concrete pool deck.

  1. Factors Influencing the Cost of Pool Deck Removal: The cost of removing a concrete pool deck can vary based on factors such as the size, complexity of the design, potential obstacles like landscaping or structures, and disposal fees. The average cost for pool deck removal hovers around $2,000 to $5,000. However, it’s essential to consult with professionals who can assess the specific characteristics of your deck and provide accurate cost estimates.
  2. Cost Comparison of Different Pool Deck Materials: If you’re considering replacing your existing concrete pool deck with a different material, it’s wise to compare the costs associated with each option. Common pool deck materials include pavers, natural stone, stamped concrete, and wood. The costs for these materials can vary, and it’s important to factor in installation expenses and long-term maintenance as well.

By considering the removal cost of both the gunite pool and the concrete pool deck, you can make an informed decision about the overall budget and aesthetic transformation you desire for your outdoor space.


Removing a gunite pool requires careful consideration of various factors, including the cost involved. By understanding the key factors that influence the cost and exploring the phases of the removal process, you’ll be better equipped to make an informed decision. Remember to consult with reputable pool removal companies to obtain accurate cost estimates tailored to your specific needs.

If the cost of removing a gunite pool seems prohibitive, it’s worth exploring alternatives such as pool replacement. Assessing the pros and cons of pool replacement can help you determine which option aligns best with your long-term goals and budget.

Don’t forget to factor in the cost of removing the concrete pool deck if you’re planning a complete pool removal. Understanding the expenses associated with pool deck removal can give you a clearer picture of the overall budget required.

In conclusion, removing a gunite pool involves various costs, which can vary depending on the size, access, type of removal, and additional services required. By gathering estimates from pool removal professionals and thoroughly evaluating your options, you’ll be one step closer to transforming your outdoor space. Remember, it’s crucial to consult with experts who can provide accurate quotes and guide you through the process.

If you’re ready to say goodbye to your gunite pool, take the first step by reaching out to trusted pool removal professionals who can help you navigate the costs and logistics. Start planning your pool removal today and discover the possibilities for your revamped outdoor oasis.

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